One week this month, our class did an architecture theme where we explored different ways to allow building in our classroom. The idea of Zen gardens came from the children loving small-world play. This allowed the creation and use of small loose parts to explore. The sensory aspect of this was also fun-filled for them.
While adding to these one day, we decided to add letters and numbers to work on recognition. Our friends used the materials in ways educators did not even think of. They used the other materials provided in the garden like beads and straw pieces to fill out the outlines of the shapes. They completely transformed the original idea into a learning experience that worked on fine motor and cognitive skills. They participated in this experience both solo and in a group. Our friends were observed to use fantastic communication and teamwork to expand their knowledge of ways to enjoy this activity.
Wriiten by Ms. Juliann
The post What We Used Them For appeared first on Tiny Hoppers St. Albert South.